"On the follow up from our presentation to local people and members of our council, we started work..."

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On the follow up from our presentation to local people and members of our council, we started work on progressing our thoughts and ideas gained from the feedback we received and worked on turning them into an action plan. We looked at community centres and schools and getting other organisations on board and looked into help from education and council departments.

We also had a few food outlets at our presentation in the hope that they could offer help to provide free and discounted food to children. This was successful as McDonald's were keen to work with us. We also had meetings with health care to discuss nutrition ideas and to make meals healthy, we heard from them about the importance of a healthy balanced diet and they were not keen on having McDonald's involved, however we also know that for some children the chance of a free meal from McDonald's during the school holidays may be their only meal that day and so we argued that it might be important for the calories for those children for that time period and once we had worked with families we could direct them to health for information on healthy balanced diets.