"On doing our presentation a second time around we invited our local MSP..."

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I learned by going to see our local MSP at parliament and asking questions which were of importance to our holiday hunger project. It was a good way to get help or advice from our government and to invite them to our second presentation. This was a great experience and was very helpful for our project.

It was also discussed that if children have kids cards then some kind of payment could be put onto their card and it could be swiped at, so that kids weren't feeling embarrassed about getting a free meal, as there can be some stigma attached to not having money to eat out or having free school meals. On doing our presentation a second time around we invited our local MSP Linda Fabiani and local Councillor Collette Stevenson to show them what we were looking at to help all school children in our community and to ask their advice on how to push the project forward. This was somewhat helpful for us and the holiday hunger programme, and their feedback was really good.