"...there are still people going without because they are too embarrassed"

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The first method of research was to look up online to find out where our nearest 'food bank' was and to see what information was available to us.  We interviewed a food voucher 'referrer' in order to understand how the system works and to whom these vouchers were available. He explained that when a person is financially struggling, they can be issued with a food bank voucher in order to feed themselves and their family for three days. He said there has been a huge increase in the number of vouchers being issued but he is also aware that there are still people going without because they are too embarrassed, too proud, unsure if they are entitled or have no transport or access to get to and from the food bank. He went on to explain about the misuse of the food bank, saying that the reason the food vouchers are issued are in red is so they cannot be photocopied and this is to prevent fraud.