"Zero hours contracts...add to the struggle of trying to make ends meet"

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Not only did we discuss the practicalities of running a food bank, we also looked at how clients feel about having to use them, how they are affected emotionally. Too many feel a sense of shame and embarrassment, others feel anger and many are grateful. So why are so many people forced to use them? You would think unemployment would be the main reason for food bank use but sadly many clients are in employment, the 'working poor'. Zero hours contracts and a scarcity of full-time employment all add to the struggle of trying to make ends meet.

Other obstacles may be people's embarrassment or shame in having to admit to using food banks (we identified this from the questionnaires we issued to people who had used food banks). People may also feel disempowered, that they feel they are unable to make changes, that they are less worthy and less important than everybody else and should therefore accept the status quo.