"Coming off benefits to go on to a different allowance brings more trauma and upset"

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Experiencing crisis with poverty is a heavy burden to cope with. For example, not everyone has money for mobile phone calls or public telephones. For the unemployed there is another challenging situation and I feel more can be done to help those disadvantaged people into employment. Bus passes and clothing grants would be a positive place to begin. Coming off benefits to go on to a different allowance brings more trauma and upset.

Applying for Universal Credit is fraught with worry. The waiting time to have your new benefit entitlement worked out is far too long. Whole families are left without any money for weeks at a time plunging them into even worse despair and poverty. They need food, electricity and other household necessities. Some are forced further into debt and hardship which is demoralising and humiliating. One good thing is free school meals for Primary 1-3, at least kids of this age can have at least one good nutritious meal a day. On the other hand, councils need to stop targeting the poorest of people. Putting breakfast club prices up from 25p to £2 is scandalous, yet they expect parents working for the minimum wage, who depend on these clubs, to struggle even more.