"...they have no clue or idea that this is even available"
/There are 17 mental health services in Dundee alone and the lack of knowledge about these services, within communities is shocking. Each GP surgery now offers an SOS (sources of support) link worker located in the surgery and yet some patients aren’t being informed about this. I can’t tell you how many people I have told about this service and they have no clue or idea that this is even available. This is also true of patients needing medical appointments, (Doctors, Nurses, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, any specialist) apart from the fact there are so many cancellations, there are severe staff, funding and resource shortages.
Several people have had to endure months on waiting lists to be seen by a professional. Quite often it is in excess of 6 months. I find in this day and age this is totally unacceptable. This has a detrimental effect on other family members as well. These long waiting lists and / or inability to attend can lead to depression, anxiety and isolation to name a few causes.