"How can this be in 2019?"

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I have chosen to look at food banks and why there has been an increase in their use within Fife and West Fife villages in recent years. I chose this topic as it makes me angry that in 2019 in the UK, so many people do not have enough money to feed themselves and their families. Many regularly have to make the grim choice between feeding themselves and keeping their home warm. How can this be in 2019?

What is more, it would appear that it has almost become acceptable to have food banks in our society, how did we get here? Go into most major supermarkets nowadays and you'll probably find a collection point for the local food bank, in fact it has almost become a permanent feature! Growing up in the '80s I can remember my Aunt sending baby clothes her children had grown out of to relatives In Poland. At that time things were tough in Poland, I particularly remember the food queues.  This was the 1980s, a country behind the iron curtain had food queues and yet here we are in the UK in 2019 with food banks.