"We can support our community by getting involved."

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After spending some months studying this course it has became very clear that community development is a process where members of the community come together, discuss issues and take collective action to generate solutions to problems that arise or bring concern to us in our community. Through this process, we have to actively engage people of our community. Giving people a voice to have their say will empower individuals and groups of people to make changes.

We can as a community resolve this issue by applying pressure locally about the increase in working poor needing to use food banks. Also apply pressure to get the waiting time for universal credit reduced. We can contact all politicians locally, councillors, MSP and MP and invite them to community council meetings in order to voice our issues. We can send out questionnaires and information in our community to get feedback and keep everyone involved. We can highlight our concerns in social media using Facebook, lnstagram and twitter. We can also volunteer at food banks, food clubs or community hubs. We can support our community by getting involved.