"There is no other help available, not even income support"

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In Scotland, Universal Credit (UC) has been rolled out within the Dunfermline area. All new Job Seekers receive this. There is a projected 'transfer over' for other claimants of the benefit, although this was postponed In January as there was a recognition that there was a failure in implementing this. The waiting time for receiving this credit is about 6 weeks and this can lead to claimants falling behind in rent and also not having enough money to meet the basic needs of heat and food. Although a loan is available to cover claimants for the time gap, which is provided by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) it is reclaimed once Universal Credit is up and running; the rate decided by the DWP. This could lead to food poverty because of reduced household income.

There is no other help available, not even income support, whilst waiting for this benefit. It has been documented in   the local press about claimants being left with no heat or food in their cupboards and in some cases dying whilst waiting to be processed. "The sister of a man who died whilst waiting for a Universal Credit payment says her brother spent his last days hungry and in fear of losing his home." (ITV, 2017).