"They might just see it as one off kind of thing and not realise the extent of it"

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I live in lnverkeithing; it is reasonably-sized Burgh, with retail, hairdressers, pubs and a few other industries. I have tried to find actual unemployment figures just for my area but have been unable to access that information. Although I have been able to find Fife/Scotland /Great Britain. This lack of information keeps us from being able to challenge inequalities Unless people know about a problem, they don't understand it is an issue. They might just see it as one off kind of thing and not realise the extent of it. With no figures to back it up, it can be easily ignored and no one will be held accountable. I know a few families that have suffered from generational poverty and so, as well as from my research, I have seen first-hand how the lives of these people are and how they struggle to survive.