"Employment is another area of inequality for woman"

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It is mostly noticeable within high school environment but it can be seen around the area as well. A small number of girls dropping out of local high schools as a result of getting pregnant as they are not wanting to be judged by others when they go into school with a baby bump especially when they attend a catholic school. 15% of the girls in my year have left school due to pregnancy. I have done some research on different areas on the south side of Glasgow through NHS GGC statistics. I compared the areas with higher poverty rates for example Govanhill, which has the highest rate of young pregnancies in NHS GGC at 153 in 1,000 15.3%  with a nearby area Strathbungo which at 8.5% highlighted that areas with less poverty have lower teenage pregnancy rates.

Employment is another area of inequality for woman. Doing a gender inequality quiz I found out that a lot of woman each year get sacked due to being pregnant. This is actually an illegal action and it links in with sexism which is part of discrimination.